As a homeowner or business owner, having a functioning air conditioner is essential to your comfort and well-being. However, like any other mechanical device, your AC unit will eventually need repair or replacement. The lifespan of your AC unit can be affected by several factors, and understanding these factors can help you make informed decisions about your unit’s maintenance and repair.

The average AC unit lasts around 15 years, depending on how well it’s maintained. If you’re not taking proper care of it, you could be facing a shorter lifespan for your AC unit or, worse yet, expensive repairs down the line to get it back up and running in perfect shape.

At Valliere Air Conditioning & Heating, LLC, we specialize in air conditioner repair in Woodlands, TX. Our experienced team are equipped to provide expert advice on maintaining and servicing your air conditioning system so that you can enjoy the lasting performance for years to come!

In addition, we provide other HVAC services, such as air conditioner servicing, AC replacement in Tomball, TX.

HVAC system cleaning
  • Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is one of the most significant factors that can affect the lifespan of your AC unit. Just like a car, your air conditioner needs regular check-ups and tune-ups to ensure it is running at its best. A well-maintained unit will last longer and run more efficiently than a neglected one. Regular maintenance also helps to catch minor issues before they become big problems that require costly repairs or replacement.

At Valliere Air Conditioning & Heating, LLC, we offer comprehensive maintenance services for residential and commercial air conditioning in Woodlands, TX. Our experienced technicians will thoroughly inspect your unit, clean and replace any necessary filters, and make adjustments to ensure your unit is running at peak performance.

  • Air Filter

The air filter also plays a vital role in the lifespan of your AC unit. A dirty air filter can cause your unit to work harder and wear out faster. It can also decrease the air quality inside your home. Regularly checking and replacing the air filter in your AC unit can help to prolong its lifespan.

  • Location

The location of your AC unit is an essential factor that can affect its lifespan. If your unit is located in a dusty or dirty environment, it can cause the unit to work harder and wear out faster. Additionally, if your unit is located in an area exposed to direct sunlight, it can cause the unit to overheat and decrease its lifespan.

At Valliere Air Conditioning & Heating, LLC, we understand the importance of selecting the right location for your AC unit. Our team of experienced technicians will help you choose the best place for your unit, ensuring it runs efficiently and lasts as long as possible.

  • Size Of The Unit

The size of an air conditioning unit can significantly affect its lifespan. A system that is too large or too small for the space intended to cool can lead to increased wear and tear. A unit that is too large will cycle on and off frequently, which can cause wear and tear on the compressor and other components. An AC that is too small will have to work harder to cool the space, which can also cause wear and tear on the components. Selecting the correct sized AC unit for your area is crucial to ensure it runs efficiently and lasts longer.

  • Proper Installation

Proper installation is another critical factor that can affect the lifespan of your AC unit. When an AC unit is not installed correctly, it can cause several problems, including poor performance, increased energy consumption, and even damage to the unit itself.

Trust the experts at Valliere Air Conditioning & Heating, LLC. Our team performs quality AC installation in Woodlands, TX and nearby areas and has the knowledge and experience to properly install your unit, ensuring it will run efficiently and effectively for years to come.

  • Quality Of Components

The quality of the components used in your air conditioner can also affect its lifespan. Cheaper, lower-quality parts may not last as long as higher-quality ones and may require more frequent repairs or replacements.

At Valliere Air Conditioning & Heating, LLC, we only use the highest-quality components in our AC replacements in Tomball, TX. We want to ensure that our customers get the best possible service and that their AC units run at peak performance for as long as possible.

  • Power Supply

Another factor that can affect your unit’s lifespan is the power supply. An improper voltage or power supply can cause damage to the compressor and other components, leading to increased wear and tear or even failure.

If your AC unit broke due to the power supply, it could be repaired. At Valliere Air Conditioning & Heating, LLC, our technicians provide a professional service that can help you ensure that your unit is wired correctly and that the electrical supply meets the requirements specified by the manufacturer. We provide one of the best AC repairs in Woodlands, TX. We can also help you troubleshoot and repair power supply issues that can shorten the lifespan of your AC unit.

  • External Factors

External factors can also affect the lifespan of an air conditioning (AC) unit. Exposure to the elements, such as rain, wind, and extreme temperatures, can cause wear and tear on the unit and its components.

  • Rain: If the unit is not sealed correctly, water can enter the unit and cause damage to the electrical components and rusting to metal parts.
  • Wind: High winds can cause debris to accumulate in the unit, which can clog the filter and cause damage to the fan.
  • Extreme temperatures: Exposure to extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can cause damage to the unit’s components and reduce its lifespan.
  • Sunlight: Direct sunlight can cause damage to the unit’s plastic parts and make it overheat.
  • Air pollution: Dust, dirt, and other air pollution can accumulate in the unit, which can clog the filter and reduce the unit’s efficiency.

To prolong your AC’s lifespan, keeping your system maintained and protected from external factors is essential. A professional service like Valliere Air Conditioning & Heating, LLC, can help you by providing regular maintenance, cleaning, and troubleshooting services.

Call Today For AC Service

At Valliere Air Conditioning & Heating, LLC, we understand the importance of having a functioning AC unit. That’s why we offer a full range of AC services, including repair, replacement, and installation. We also provide commercial air conditioning in the Woodland, Texas area. Our experienced technicians are dedicated to providing high-quality service and ensuring your unit is running at its best. Call us today to schedule an appointment for all your AC needs, and check out our Google Reviews and Facebook page for customer reviews.